Seasonal Changes of Mélange Thickness Coincide With Greenland Calving Dynamics
Yue Meng, Ching-Yao Lai, Riley Culberg, Michael Shahin, Leigh Stearns, Justin C. Burton, and Kavinda Nissanka. Nature Communications volume 16, Article number: 573 (2025)
A quasi-one-dimensional ice mélange flow model based on continuum descriptions of granular materials
Jason M. Amundson, Alexander A. Robel, Justin C. Burton, and Kavinda Nissanka. The Cryosphere 19, 19-35 (2025)
Experimental Investigations of Ice Mélange and the Flow of Floating Granular Materials
Kavinda Nissanka, Nandish Vora, Joshua Méndez Harper, Justin C Burton, Jason M Amundson, Alexander A Robel, Yue Meng, and Ching-Yao Lai. Preprint.
Hyperelastic swelling of tough hydrogels
Jing Wang and Justin C. Burton. arXiv:2401.04251 (2024)
Soft matter physics of the ground beneath our feet
Anne Voigtländer, Morgane Houssais, Karol A. Bacik, Ian C. Bourg, Justin C. Burton, Karen E. Daniels, Sujit S. Datta, Emanuela Del Gado, Nakul S. Deshpande, Olivier Devauchelle, Behrooz Ferdowsi, Rachel Glade, Lucas Goehring, Ian J. Hewitt, Douglas Jerolmack, Ruben Juanes, Arshad Kudrolli, Ching-Yao Lai, Wei Li, Claire Masteller, Kavinda Nissanka, Allan M. Rubin, Howard A. Stone, Jenny Suckale, Nathalie M. Vriend, John S. Wettlaufer, Judy Q. Yang. Soft Matter 20, 5859-5888 (2024)
Coalescing Clusters Unveil New Regimes of Frictional Fluid Mechanics
Haicen Yue, Justin C. Burton, and Daniel M. Sussman. Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023115 (2024)
Development of broad modulus profile upon polymer–polymer interface formation between immiscible glassy–rubbery domains
Yannic Gagnon, Justin C. Burton, and Connie B. Roth. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 121 (1) e2312533120 (2023).
Learning force laws in many-body systems
Wentao Yu, Eslam Abdelaleem, Ilya Nemenman, and Justin C. Burton. arXiv:2310.05273
Ticks’ attraction to electrically charged hosts
Victor M. Ortega-Jimenez, Allison M. Gardner, and Justin C. Burton. Trends in Parasitology.
Physics of the cryosphere
A. F. Banwell, J. C. Burton, C. Cenedese, K. Golden, and J. Åström. Nature Reviews Physics (2023).
3D tracking of particles in a dusty plasma by laser sheet tomography
Wentao Yu and Justin C. Burton. Physics of Plasmas 30, 063701 (2023).
Hydrodynamic Collapse of the Leidenfrost Vapor Layer
Dana Harvey and Justin C. Burton. Phys. Rev. Fluids 8, 094003 (2023).
Dynamics of Mass Polar Spheroids During Sedimentation
Kavinda Nissanka, Xiaolei Ma, and Justin C. Burton. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 956, A28 (2023).
The lifetime of charged dust in the atmosphere
Josh Méndez Harper, Dana Harvey, Tianshu Huang, Jack McGrath III, David Meer, and Justin C. Burton. PNAS Nexus 1, 2022, pgac220. DOI: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac220
Extracting Forces from Noisy Dynamics in Dusty Plasmas
Wentao Yu, Jonathan Cho, and Justin C. Burton. Phys. Rev. E 106, 035303 (2022). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.106.035303
Physically intuitive continuum mechanics model for QCM: Viscoelasticity of rubbery polymers at MHz frequencies
Yannic J. Gagnon, Justin C. Burton, Connie B. Roth. Journal of Polymer Science (2021).
Improved Estimation of Glacial-Earthquake Size Through New Modeling of the Seismic Source
Kira G. Olsen, Meredith Nettles, L. Mac Cathles, Justin C. Burton, Tavi Murray, Timothy D. James. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface (2021).
Reflections on Physics Education and Communication with Tibetan Monastics
Justin Burton, Judith Beck, Martin Kamela, Michelle Kuchera, Amy J Lovell, Kerstin Nordstrom, Thinley Tenzin, Julie Ziffer. Frontiers in Communication, Science and Environmental Communication (2021).
Granular decoherence precedes ice mélange failure and glacier calving at Jakobshavn Isbræ
R. K. Cassotto, Justin C. Burton, Jason M. Amundson, Mark A. Fahnestock, and Martin Truffer. Nature Geoscience (2021), DOI: 10.1038/s41561-021-00754-9
Relaxation and Recovery in Hydrogel Friction on Smooth Surfaces
Brady Wu, Joshua Méndez Harper, Justin C. Burton. Experimental Mechanics (2021). DOI: 10.1007/s11340-02-00748-z
Minimum Leidenfrost temperture on smooth surfaces
D. Harvey, J. Méndez Harper, and J. C. Burton. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 104501 (2021).
The origin of large amplitude oscillations of dust particles in a plasma sheath
J. Méndez Harper, G. Gogia, B. Wu, Z. Laseter, and J. C. Burton. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033500 (2020)
Intermittent "turbulence" in a many-body system
G. Gogia, W. Yu, and J. C. Burton. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023250 (2020)
Pore-size dependence and slow relaxation of hydrogel friction on smooth surfaces
Nicholas L. Cuccia, Suraj Pothineni, Brady Wu, Joshua Méndez-Harper, Justin C. Burton. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 117, 11247-11256 (2020)
How to make a giant bubble
S. Frazier, X. Jiang, and J. C. Burton. Physical Review Fluids 5, 013304 (2020)
Tuning contact line dynamics and deposition patterns in volatile liquid mixtures
A. Mouat, C. E. Wood, J. E. Pye, and J. C. Burton. Physical Review Letters 124, 064502 (2020).
Liquid Deposition Through Evaporation
Asher P. Mouat, Clay E. Wood, Justin E. Pye, and Justin C. Burton. Phys. Rev. Fluids 4, 100512 (2019)
Universal Scaling of Polygonal Desiccation Crack Patterns
Xiaolei Ma, Janna Lowensohn, and Justin C. Burton. Phys. Rev. E 99, 012802 (2019)
Precursors to Molecular Slip on Smooth Hydrophobic Surfaces
Justin E. Pye, Clay E. Wood, and Justin C. Burton. Physical Review Letters 121, 134501 (2018)
Quasi-static granular flow of ice mélange
Jason M. Amundson and Justin C. Burton. JGR - Earth Surface 123, 10.1029/2018JF004685 (2018)
Self-organized oscillations of Leidenfrost drops
Xiaolei Ma and Justin C. Burton. J. Fluid Mech. 846, 263-291 (2018).
Quantifying flow and stress in ice mélange, the world's largest granular material
J. C. Burton, J. M. Amundson, R. Cassotto, C.-C. Kuo, and M. Dennin. PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1715136115 (2018)
Emergent Bistability and switching in a nonequilibrium crystal
G. Gogia and J. C. Burton. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 178004 (2017)
Star-shaped oscillations of Leidenfrost drops
X. Ma, J. J. Liétor-Santos, and J. C. Burton. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 031602(R) (2017). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.2.031602
Casimir effect between pinned particles in two-dimensional jammed systems
J. J. Liétor-Santos and J. C. Burton. Soft Matter (2017). DOI: 10.1039/C6SM02072K
Echoes from anharmonic normal modes in model glasses
J. C. Burton and S. R. Nagel. Phys. Rev. E, 032905 (2016). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.93.032905
The many faces of a Leidenfrost drop
X. Ma, J. J. Liétor-Santos, and J. C. Burton. Physics of Fluids 27, 091109 (2015). DOI: 10.1063/1.4930913
Reverse glacier motion during iceberg calving and the cause of glacial earthquakes
T. Murray, M. Nettles, N. Selmes, L. M. Cathles, J. C. Burton, T. D. James, S. Edwards, I. Martins, T. O'Farrel, R. Aspey, I. Rutt, and T. Baugé, Science 349, 305 (2015). DOI: 10.1126/science.aab0460
Coalescence of Bubbles and Drops in an Outer Fluid
J. D. Paulsen, R. Carmigniani, A. Kannan, J. C. Burton, and S. R. Nagel. Nature Comm. 5, 3182 (2014).
Collision Dynamics of Particle Clusters in a Two-dimensional Granular Gas
J. C. Burton, P. Y. Lu, and S. R. Nagel. Physical Review E 88, 062204 (2013).
Energy Loss at Propagating Jamming Fronts in Granular Gas Clusters
J. C. Burton, P. Y. Lu, and S. R. Nagel. Physical Review Letters 111, 188001 (2013).
The Role of Cooperative Iceberg Capsize in Ice-Shelf Disintegration
J. C. Burton, L. Mac Cathles, and W. G. Wilder. Annals of Glaciology 54, 84-90 (2013).
Geometry of the Vapor Layer Under a Leidenfrost Drop
J. C. Burton, A. L. Sharpe, R. C. A. van der Veen, A. Franco, and S. R. Nagel. Physical Review Letters 109, 074301 (2012).
The Inexorable Resistance of Inertia Determines the Initial Regime of Drop Coalescence
J. D. Paulsen, J. C. Burton, S. R. Nagel, S. A. Appathurai, M. T. Harris, and O. A. Basaran. PNAS 109 (18), 6857-6861 (2012).
Impact of Hydrodynamics on Seismic Signals Generated by Iceberg Collisions
J. M. Amundson, J. C. Burton, and S. Correa-Legisos. Annals of Glaciology 53, 106-112 (2012).
Laboratory Investigations of Iceberg-Capsize dynamics, Energy Dissipation and Tsunamigenesis
J. C. Burton, J. M. Amundson, D. S. Abbot, A. Boghosian, L. Mac. Cathles, S. Correa-Legisos, K. N. Darnell, N. Guttenberg, D. M. Holland, and D. R. MacAyeal. JGR - Earth Surface 117, F01007 (2012).
A Continuous 3He cryostat with pulse-tube pre-cooling and optical access
J. C. Burton, E. Van Cleve, and P. Taborek. Cryogenics 51, 209-213 (2011).
Simulations of Coulombic Fission of Charged Inviscid Drops
J. C. Burton and P. Taborek. Physical Review Letters 106, 144501, (2011).
Viscous to Inertial Crossover in Liquid Drop Coalescence
J. D. Paulsen, J. C. Burton, and S. R. Nagel. Physical Review Letters 106, 114501 (2011).
A Computational Investigation of Iceberg Capsize as a Driver of Explosive Ice-shelf Disintegration
N. Guttenberg, D. S. Abbot, J. M. Amundson, J. C. Burton, L. M. Cathles, D. R. MacAyeal, and W. W. Zhang. Annals of Glaciology 52, 51-59 (2011).
An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Equilibrium Geometry of Liquid Lenses
J. C. Burton, F. Huisman, P. Alison, D. Rogerson, and P. Taborek. Langmuir 26, 15316-15324, (2010).
Cryogenic Vacuum Tribology of Diamond and Diamond-like Carbon Films
M. Aggleton, J. C. Burton, and P. Taborek. Journal of Applied Physics 106, 013504, (2009).
Bifurcation from Bubble to Droplet Behavior in Inviscid Pinch-off
J. C. Burton and P. Taborek. Physical Review Letters 101, 214502, (2008).
Two-dimensional Inviscid Pinch-off: An Example of Self-Similarity of the Second Kind
J. C. Burton and P. Taborek. Physics of Fluids 19, 102109, (2007).
Role of Dimensionality and Axisymmetry in Fluid Pinch-off and Coalescence
J. C. Burton and P. Taborek. Physical Review Letters 98, 224502, (2007).
Fluid Pinch-off in Superfluid and Normal He4
J. C. Burton, J. E. Rutledge and P. Taborek. Physical Review E 75, 036311, (2007).
Temperature Dependence of Friction under Cryogenic Conditions in Vacuum
J. C. Burton, P. Taborek, and J. E. Rutledge. Tribology Letters 23, 131 (2006).
Scaling and Instabilities in Bubble Pinch-off
J. C. Burton, R. Waldrep and P. Taborek. Physical Review Letters 94, 184502, (2005).
Fluid Pinch-off Dynamics at Nanometer Length Scales
J. C. Burton, J. E. Rutledge and P. Taborek. Physical Review Letters 92, 244505, (2004).
Superfluid Drops: Dynamics of Pinch-off and Sliding Motion
J. C. Burton, P. Taborek, and J. E. Rutledge. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 134, 237 (2004).
Supercooling Helium Vapor: Nucleation and Fog Formation induced by Strong Evaporation
J. C. Burton, A. T. Nguyen Le, J. E. Rutledge and P. Taborek. Journal of Low Temp. Physics 134, 275 (2004).
Seasonal Changes of Mélange Thickness Coincide With Greenland Calving Dynamics
Yue Meng, Ching-Yao Lai, Riley Culberg, Michael Shahin, Leigh Stearns, Justin C. Burton, and Kavinda Nissanka. Nature Communications volume 16, Article number: 573 (2025)
A quasi-one-dimensional ice mélange flow model based on continuum descriptions of granular materials
Jason M. Amundson, Alexander A. Robel, Justin C. Burton, and Kavinda Nissanka. The Cryosphere 19, 19-35 (2025)
Experimental Investigations of Ice Mélange and the Flow of Floating Granular Materials
Kavinda Nissanka, Nandish Vora, Joshua Méndez Harper, Justin C Burton, Jason M Amundson, Alexander A Robel, Yue Meng, and Ching-Yao Lai. Preprint.
Hyperelastic swelling of tough hydrogels
Jing Wang and Justin C. Burton. arXiv:2401.04251 (2024)
Soft matter physics of the ground beneath our feet
Anne Voigtländer, Morgane Houssais, Karol A. Bacik, Ian C. Bourg, Justin C. Burton, Karen E. Daniels, Sujit S. Datta, Emanuela Del Gado, Nakul S. Deshpande, Olivier Devauchelle, Behrooz Ferdowsi, Rachel Glade, Lucas Goehring, Ian J. Hewitt, Douglas Jerolmack, Ruben Juanes, Arshad Kudrolli, Ching-Yao Lai, Wei Li, Claire Masteller, Kavinda Nissanka, Allan M. Rubin, Howard A. Stone, Jenny Suckale, Nathalie M. Vriend, John S. Wettlaufer, Judy Q. Yang. Soft Matter 20, 5859-5888 (2024)
Coalescing Clusters Unveil New Regimes of Frictional Fluid Mechanics
Haicen Yue, Justin C. Burton, and Daniel M. Sussman. Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023115 (2024)
Development of broad modulus profile upon polymer–polymer interface formation between immiscible glassy–rubbery domains
Yannic Gagnon, Justin C. Burton, and Connie B. Roth. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 121 (1) e2312533120 (2023).
Learning force laws in many-body systems
Wentao Yu, Eslam Abdelaleem, Ilya Nemenman, and Justin C. Burton. arXiv:2310.05273
Ticks’ attraction to electrically charged hosts
Victor M. Ortega-Jimenez, Allison M. Gardner, and Justin C. Burton. Trends in Parasitology.
Physics of the cryosphere
A. F. Banwell, J. C. Burton, C. Cenedese, K. Golden, and J. Åström. Nature Reviews Physics (2023).
3D tracking of particles in a dusty plasma by laser sheet tomography
Wentao Yu and Justin C. Burton. Physics of Plasmas 30, 063701 (2023).
Hydrodynamic Collapse of the Leidenfrost Vapor Layer
Dana Harvey and Justin C. Burton. Phys. Rev. Fluids 8, 094003 (2023).
Dynamics of Mass Polar Spheroids During Sedimentation
Kavinda Nissanka, Xiaolei Ma, and Justin C. Burton. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 956, A28 (2023).
The lifetime of charged dust in the atmosphere
Josh Méndez Harper, Dana Harvey, Tianshu Huang, Jack McGrath III, David Meer, and Justin C. Burton. PNAS Nexus 1, 2022, pgac220. DOI: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac220
Extracting Forces from Noisy Dynamics in Dusty Plasmas
Wentao Yu, Jonathan Cho, and Justin C. Burton. Phys. Rev. E 106, 035303 (2022). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.106.035303
Physically intuitive continuum mechanics model for QCM: Viscoelasticity of rubbery polymers at MHz frequencies
Yannic J. Gagnon, Justin C. Burton, Connie B. Roth. Journal of Polymer Science (2021).
Improved Estimation of Glacial-Earthquake Size Through New Modeling of the Seismic Source
Kira G. Olsen, Meredith Nettles, L. Mac Cathles, Justin C. Burton, Tavi Murray, Timothy D. James. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface (2021).
Reflections on Physics Education and Communication with Tibetan Monastics
Justin Burton, Judith Beck, Martin Kamela, Michelle Kuchera, Amy J Lovell, Kerstin Nordstrom, Thinley Tenzin, Julie Ziffer. Frontiers in Communication, Science and Environmental Communication (2021).
Granular decoherence precedes ice mélange failure and glacier calving at Jakobshavn Isbræ
R. K. Cassotto, Justin C. Burton, Jason M. Amundson, Mark A. Fahnestock, and Martin Truffer. Nature Geoscience (2021), DOI: 10.1038/s41561-021-00754-9
Relaxation and Recovery in Hydrogel Friction on Smooth Surfaces
Brady Wu, Joshua Méndez Harper, Justin C. Burton. Experimental Mechanics (2021). DOI: 10.1007/s11340-02-00748-z
Minimum Leidenfrost temperture on smooth surfaces
D. Harvey, J. Méndez Harper, and J. C. Burton. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 104501 (2021).
The origin of large amplitude oscillations of dust particles in a plasma sheath
J. Méndez Harper, G. Gogia, B. Wu, Z. Laseter, and J. C. Burton. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033500 (2020)
Intermittent "turbulence" in a many-body system
G. Gogia, W. Yu, and J. C. Burton. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023250 (2020)
Pore-size dependence and slow relaxation of hydrogel friction on smooth surfaces
Nicholas L. Cuccia, Suraj Pothineni, Brady Wu, Joshua Méndez-Harper, Justin C. Burton. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 117, 11247-11256 (2020)
How to make a giant bubble
S. Frazier, X. Jiang, and J. C. Burton. Physical Review Fluids 5, 013304 (2020)
Tuning contact line dynamics and deposition patterns in volatile liquid mixtures
A. Mouat, C. E. Wood, J. E. Pye, and J. C. Burton. Physical Review Letters 124, 064502 (2020).
Liquid Deposition Through Evaporation
Asher P. Mouat, Clay E. Wood, Justin E. Pye, and Justin C. Burton. Phys. Rev. Fluids 4, 100512 (2019)
Universal Scaling of Polygonal Desiccation Crack Patterns
Xiaolei Ma, Janna Lowensohn, and Justin C. Burton. Phys. Rev. E 99, 012802 (2019)
Precursors to Molecular Slip on Smooth Hydrophobic Surfaces
Justin E. Pye, Clay E. Wood, and Justin C. Burton. Physical Review Letters 121, 134501 (2018)
Quasi-static granular flow of ice mélange
Jason M. Amundson and Justin C. Burton. JGR - Earth Surface 123, 10.1029/2018JF004685 (2018)
Self-organized oscillations of Leidenfrost drops
Xiaolei Ma and Justin C. Burton. J. Fluid Mech. 846, 263-291 (2018).
Quantifying flow and stress in ice mélange, the world's largest granular material
J. C. Burton, J. M. Amundson, R. Cassotto, C.-C. Kuo, and M. Dennin. PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1715136115 (2018)
Emergent Bistability and switching in a nonequilibrium crystal
G. Gogia and J. C. Burton. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 178004 (2017)
Star-shaped oscillations of Leidenfrost drops
X. Ma, J. J. Liétor-Santos, and J. C. Burton. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 031602(R) (2017). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.2.031602
Casimir effect between pinned particles in two-dimensional jammed systems
J. J. Liétor-Santos and J. C. Burton. Soft Matter (2017). DOI: 10.1039/C6SM02072K
Echoes from anharmonic normal modes in model glasses
J. C. Burton and S. R. Nagel. Phys. Rev. E, 032905 (2016). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.93.032905
The many faces of a Leidenfrost drop
X. Ma, J. J. Liétor-Santos, and J. C. Burton. Physics of Fluids 27, 091109 (2015). DOI: 10.1063/1.4930913
Reverse glacier motion during iceberg calving and the cause of glacial earthquakes
T. Murray, M. Nettles, N. Selmes, L. M. Cathles, J. C. Burton, T. D. James, S. Edwards, I. Martins, T. O'Farrel, R. Aspey, I. Rutt, and T. Baugé, Science 349, 305 (2015). DOI: 10.1126/science.aab0460
Coalescence of Bubbles and Drops in an Outer Fluid
J. D. Paulsen, R. Carmigniani, A. Kannan, J. C. Burton, and S. R. Nagel. Nature Comm. 5, 3182 (2014).
Collision Dynamics of Particle Clusters in a Two-dimensional Granular Gas
J. C. Burton, P. Y. Lu, and S. R. Nagel. Physical Review E 88, 062204 (2013).
Energy Loss at Propagating Jamming Fronts in Granular Gas Clusters
J. C. Burton, P. Y. Lu, and S. R. Nagel. Physical Review Letters 111, 188001 (2013).
The Role of Cooperative Iceberg Capsize in Ice-Shelf Disintegration
J. C. Burton, L. Mac Cathles, and W. G. Wilder. Annals of Glaciology 54, 84-90 (2013).
Geometry of the Vapor Layer Under a Leidenfrost Drop
J. C. Burton, A. L. Sharpe, R. C. A. van der Veen, A. Franco, and S. R. Nagel. Physical Review Letters 109, 074301 (2012).
The Inexorable Resistance of Inertia Determines the Initial Regime of Drop Coalescence
J. D. Paulsen, J. C. Burton, S. R. Nagel, S. A. Appathurai, M. T. Harris, and O. A. Basaran. PNAS 109 (18), 6857-6861 (2012).
Impact of Hydrodynamics on Seismic Signals Generated by Iceberg Collisions
J. M. Amundson, J. C. Burton, and S. Correa-Legisos. Annals of Glaciology 53, 106-112 (2012).
Laboratory Investigations of Iceberg-Capsize dynamics, Energy Dissipation and Tsunamigenesis
J. C. Burton, J. M. Amundson, D. S. Abbot, A. Boghosian, L. Mac. Cathles, S. Correa-Legisos, K. N. Darnell, N. Guttenberg, D. M. Holland, and D. R. MacAyeal. JGR - Earth Surface 117, F01007 (2012).
A Continuous 3He cryostat with pulse-tube pre-cooling and optical access
J. C. Burton, E. Van Cleve, and P. Taborek. Cryogenics 51, 209-213 (2011).
Simulations of Coulombic Fission of Charged Inviscid Drops
J. C. Burton and P. Taborek. Physical Review Letters 106, 144501, (2011).
Viscous to Inertial Crossover in Liquid Drop Coalescence
J. D. Paulsen, J. C. Burton, and S. R. Nagel. Physical Review Letters 106, 114501 (2011).
A Computational Investigation of Iceberg Capsize as a Driver of Explosive Ice-shelf Disintegration
N. Guttenberg, D. S. Abbot, J. M. Amundson, J. C. Burton, L. M. Cathles, D. R. MacAyeal, and W. W. Zhang. Annals of Glaciology 52, 51-59 (2011).
An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Equilibrium Geometry of Liquid Lenses
J. C. Burton, F. Huisman, P. Alison, D. Rogerson, and P. Taborek. Langmuir 26, 15316-15324, (2010).
Cryogenic Vacuum Tribology of Diamond and Diamond-like Carbon Films
M. Aggleton, J. C. Burton, and P. Taborek. Journal of Applied Physics 106, 013504, (2009).
Bifurcation from Bubble to Droplet Behavior in Inviscid Pinch-off
J. C. Burton and P. Taborek. Physical Review Letters 101, 214502, (2008).
Two-dimensional Inviscid Pinch-off: An Example of Self-Similarity of the Second Kind
J. C. Burton and P. Taborek. Physics of Fluids 19, 102109, (2007).
Role of Dimensionality and Axisymmetry in Fluid Pinch-off and Coalescence
J. C. Burton and P. Taborek. Physical Review Letters 98, 224502, (2007).
Fluid Pinch-off in Superfluid and Normal He4
J. C. Burton, J. E. Rutledge and P. Taborek. Physical Review E 75, 036311, (2007).
Temperature Dependence of Friction under Cryogenic Conditions in Vacuum
J. C. Burton, P. Taborek, and J. E. Rutledge. Tribology Letters 23, 131 (2006).
Scaling and Instabilities in Bubble Pinch-off
J. C. Burton, R. Waldrep and P. Taborek. Physical Review Letters 94, 184502, (2005).
Fluid Pinch-off Dynamics at Nanometer Length Scales
J. C. Burton, J. E. Rutledge and P. Taborek. Physical Review Letters 92, 244505, (2004).
Superfluid Drops: Dynamics of Pinch-off and Sliding Motion
J. C. Burton, P. Taborek, and J. E. Rutledge. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 134, 237 (2004).
Supercooling Helium Vapor: Nucleation and Fog Formation induced by Strong Evaporation
J. C. Burton, A. T. Nguyen Le, J. E. Rutledge and P. Taborek. Journal of Low Temp. Physics 134, 275 (2004).